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“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to save the world” — Nelson Mandela

When I was appointed to serve as the school board member in district one, I discovered I was the first Black female to serve in this role. Now I am seeking election to continue this work. I need your vote.

I have many years of experience working in broadcasting, K-12 education, higher education, government and with small businesses. Those years of leadership experience combined with serving on many boards where I have cultivated community relationships, has uniquely prepared me for this role as a school board member, district one.


I am committed to putting children first and to the work ahead.

Why? I believe that education is transformative. Education in one generation can change the trajectory of generations to come.

I am committed to the mission of the Fayette County Public Schools “to create a collaborative community that ensures all students learn at high levels and graduate prepared to excel in a global society.” It is our job to equip our students for a world we never imagined.

I am also believe:


I have compassion for our families, teachers, and staff. 

Compassion is about feeling and understanding the needs of others but then acting to do something about it. As a mother of two adult children who graduated and excelled through Fayette County public schools, I understand the concerns of families. Like other Moms, I navigated carpool, school plays, snacks, athletics, fundraising, band, school trips, lost homework, and meltdowns.

I also worked as an employee of FCPS for five and a half years. I understand the challenges, complexities, and rewards of public schools. 

Our teachers, staff, bus drivers, maintenance staff, and administrators need our support. Like a symphony they have to play their parts in unison to make each day meaningful for our students.


I will stay community-focused because together we accomplish more.

Businesses are attracted to Lexington because of its educated workforce. Our excellent school system is the very foundation of our community. The investment you make in public schools today pays dividends for our future growth. That is true whether you have children in school or not.

That “collaborative community” in our mission statement includes YOU. We can’t do this alone. We need your time, talent, and treasure. Invest in our students, nothing matters more.


Marilyn Clark, MBA

I was born in Texas but call Kentucky home. I loved growing up with my parents and siblings. I was the 5th of 6 children. My parents did not have an opportunity to finish high school. They maybe finished 8th grade before they had to go to work but they always had high expectations for each of us. Getting a good education in public schools was our path to economic mobility and a better life. My siblings and I graduated from college. Several of us have multiple degrees, and my big sister was the first in the family to get her doctorate degree. In 2016, I went back to school to get my MBA. I dropped my son off for his first year of college and started at the University of Kentucky the same week. At that point, I was in school and so were both my children.

My parents are my heroes. My Mom cleaned homes and later got a job as a daycare worker. She loved children. My Dad worked as a gas station attendant and later in a machine shop. Witnessing their hard work and their faith in God, influenced my life, my work ethic and my faith. 

As a young man, my Dad served in the Army. When he returned home, he married my Mom. He migrated from East Texas to the oil fields of West Texas to find work and a better life for his family. He found a job and sent for my Mom and then two children. At a time when Blacks were finding stumbling blocks to getting GI home loans, my Dad got his benefits and bought a new house in a neighborhood and my older siblings were the first Black children to integrate an elementary school. I learned later that my family received bomb threats and were asked to leave. However, my Dad in his quiet, strong spirit stood his ground and we stayed. I learned our story from a German teacher, who taught most of my siblings, the Greene children. The principal visited our home and people from the school walked my siblings to school and back home at the end of the day I wasn’t in school then, but I am very proud of how courageous my parents and siblings were. 

Education was important in our household. We always had new copies of the Encyclopedia Britannica. Reading the shiny new pages fascinated me. When I was five-years old, my sister drove me to the public library where I discovered a room with chairs and shelves just my size. I fell in love with books and writing. Once, I won candy bars in school for writing the most creative stories. I graduated at the top of my high school class and majored in Journalism and Broadcasting in college.

My career in television broadcasting took me to the Dallas, Philadelphia, and Birmingham markets and eventually to Lexington where I was the first African American female to serve as the Vice President, Station Manager of WLEX-TV. That career required a lot of travel all over the country. What I learned during  that journey is that some other communities were not doing as well economically. As I look back now, I realize those were also places that did not value public P-12 education. Eventually, I left broadcasting and started a successful business and now work with businesses every day. I understand the connection between good public education and strong businesses and prosperous communities.

My two adult children are graduates of Fayette County Public Schools. I also worked for FCPS for over five years. I have a unique perspective on what we need to do to move the district forward. Education transformed my life and will continue to enrich my family for generations to come. 

In January 2023, I was sworn in as the first Black female to serve on our school board since the integration of public schools. As a current school board member, I am committed to put children first, provide equitable opportunities for all students, to listen and have compassion in our relationships with teachers, parents, and staff. Furthermore, I remain community-focused, because we can’t do this important work alone. Together we accomplish more.

Thanks for taking the time to learn about my story. VOTE for Marilyn Clark, November 7, School Board District 1.

Keep Marilyn Clark, School Board District 1